
Laser Like Focus

It has been a busy and productive week the highlight being two Mental Resilience Masterclasses delivered to Radius Payments in Crewe on behalf of Live and Learn. They are a huge organisation who have a presence in 29 countries across the world.

These were delivered over two consecutive days. Both days were wonderful and the interaction and feedback from both groups was outstanding. It gives me great joy to present these sessions and to see how the techniques I share really strike a cord with so many people.

Personal Resilience works at all levels

Even the most experienced people at Managing Director level receive great value from these sessions. They learn techniques to handle stress more effectively and perform better under pressure.

This coming week I am presenting to a group of apprentices for a large firm of accountants in the north of England. Whether it’s managing directors or apprentices this session works equally well because they address personal Mental Resilience in their own lives both at work and home.

An interesting article

I came across this article in Word for Today and it stuck a cord regarding the importance of focus. I am in the process of developing a second Mental Resilience masterclass which builds on the first. One of the five key pillars of Mental Resilience described in the current masterclass is Focus.

Stay focused on what is important

In a small Wisconsin town on the southern shore of Lake Superior, the annual dogsled derby was about to begin. The racers were all children – from older boys with several dogs and big sleds, to one little boy who had only a small sled and a dog.

On the signal, the sleds took off and the little fellow was soon so far behind that he hardly seemed to be in the race at all. Then about halfway through the race when the second-place team tried to move into first place, the sleds got too close and the dogs began to fight.


As each of the other sleds in the race came upon the fight, more dogs got involved. The scene was soon one big seething knot of kids, sleds, and dogs. All thought of racing had vanished from the minds of the racers.

However, the one little guy and his dog managed to skirt the others and went on to win the race.

Focus is key

RightPath founder and business coach Jerry Mabe tells employers that when they hire managers, they should look out for ‘shiny object’ people. Why? Because like children, they are easily distracted by other things and the job suffers under their watch.

To succeed you must stay focused on what’s important and pursue your goals without wavering or hesitating. Keep your eyes on the finish line.

A key pillar

Focus is one of the key pillars of Mental Resilience and it is clear to see why. If we fail to focus, we get less done and we don’t achieve our potential. I want to get as much as I can out of this life and for me that is helping people achieve more and live stress-free lives. I want to see what I can achieve before I finally retire at 80/85/90?

Thoughts for the week.

1. What is your focus like?
2. Do you start something then lose interest?
3. Do you jump from one thing to the next?
4. This week observe your focus – see if you finish what you start
5. Make a point of focusing on focus and see if you can improve that area of your life

Well that’s it for this week have a wonderful weekend and stay positive.

Warm regards


Off the Wall – How to Develop World Class Mental Resilience available here (Special offer. Put in code 10POUND when prompted to receive a signed copy for £10 including postage and packing – UK only)

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